View Full Version : New GayGroups.info

02-25-2004, 10:50 PM
Please give us your comments on the new look and features of the site.

02-27-2004, 06:45 PM
Along with your vote, please give us some feedback. We are trying to keep this site going, because the exowner didn't have the time nor the funding to do so. This is a free site, and we need not only your support but feedback. We are not even asking for donations. Just tell us what we can do to make this place better.

02-27-2004, 09:50 PM
I have no clue how to use this site. I had 12 gay groups on the old site and I don't see any of them now and don't see how to reregister them. The old catagories that made the old site so easy to use are gone. I have to say this new site is a huge disapointment.

02-27-2004, 10:04 PM
This new site will hopefully form a community, rather than a link farm. Being listed in a link farm can imrpove the number of visitors to your group or website slightly, but a linkfarm listing does hurt search engine placement, and site ranking. I am gradually adding back all of the old links and groups that were listed on the old site, and they can be found here. http://www.gaygroups.info/links.php under the same categories as they were previously. I am adding one category a day (manually) from the old site.

Once I complete the readdition of all sites, it may be a good idea for you to visit the link section and submit a new link to your groups





,It will give each group a chance to be on our scrolling featured homepage, and recieve many more hits.

This site is an attempt at bringing together all groups not only for advertisement purposes, but also the sharing of resources, ideas, and incite into what is working and not working for each of us.

03-03-2004, 10:00 PM
Do the old html files for the link farm still exist? Is it possible to link to them? Maybe a "Classic Interface" link on the homepage.

Personally, I'm not interested in a "community" when my dick is hard enough to cut glass and I'm looking for fresh pics. Thanks.

03-04-2004, 05:02 AM
The whole point of this site was to link specifically to old or new Yahoo Groups, etc. Most of us are already involved in community, what we want is a practical link site for our Yahoo Groups.


03-04-2004, 05:31 AM
A practical link site for Yahoo Groups that makes no profit and eats bandwidth?

We are Creating an overall community forum, with links to specific categories and smaller communities, and allowing free advertising to the more than 3,000 unique visitors a day that visit this site.

We have no intention of changing the links or directory from the way it once worked. As stated the directory is still structured in exactly the same way that it previously was, and all old links will be added as time allows. The idea is to simply build upon this, and offer more resources, and build involvement.


Notice the categories are all still in place, and all links will be relisted soon. The ones that are listed are still recieving great activity from being linked here.

04-09-2004, 06:14 AM
The new site is cool, looks nice and all, but if it doesn't do the job the old site was doing, then you guys are just wasting your time.

My concern isn't about the lack of groups...they'll all be added again in time, by you guys or by the group owners. My concern isn't about the "community" thing either. If people don't want community...then they'll just skip it and go right to the links. I know that's what I'll be doing.

My biggest complaint however, is that there doesn't seem to be any way for you (the site owners) to weed out spammers. About 30-40% of the links I've clicked on tonight have taken me to pay sites, or just lame websites. And your new site has only been around for a few weeks. That's really really really annoying. I can only see this problem getting worse.

Questions for you:
Did you try doing a voluntary donation system through PayPal from your old site first, to see if you could get some financial help that way?
Did you try building a limited free access and "pay if you want to see more links" type of system?
Was the bandwidth of the old site such a problem that it was really that expensive? If so, you couldn't find any people that wanted to advertise on your original "link farm", even after they see what high traffic you have to your site?
How are you going to keep this site from becoming a mass of spam links over the next few weeks, months, and on into the future?

04-26-2004, 09:27 PM
Hi I think your new site is great.Its modern and up to date,I found it easy to use after a few goes.I really dont know what people are moaning about..Listen to the silent majority,they like it.......Jeff

04-27-2004, 03:09 AM
I'm complaining because a huge portion of the links listed aren't even Yahoo or MSN groups. They are links to pay sites or other garbage. The whole point of the old Gay Groups listing was to provide links to MSN and Yahoo GROUPS! That's what it's called Gay GROUPS. Without screening out the spammers, this website isn't any different than the millions of others that are out there that just link you from one crappy pay site to the next.

06-16-2004, 07:07 AM
come on poeple this site sucks big time now, i mainly see links for pay sites to, hardly any content as old link Farm...
I been looking for group i lost and this new site dose even have what i want...