07-25-2005, 06:25 PM
The Life Group LA
POZ Life Weekend Seminar
A Free Weekend Seminar For People Affected by HIV or AIDS, and Their
Loved Ones
The keys to living with HIV/AIDS are education and emotional support,
which are the focal points of The Life Group’s Weekend Seminar. A
seminar that brings together Doctors, Alternative Care Providers,
Benefits Counselors, Nutritionists, Mental Health Experts and Caring
Volunteers who help you learn how to cope with this disease.
Key Note Speakers
Dr. Eric Daar, MD
Dr. Jeff St. John, PhD.
Nurse Lynne Romanowski, RN,BA
Jim Flood, MA,RNP
Bradley Land, HIV+ 5th Dist. Commissioner
Simeon Den, Yoga QI Master
POZ Life is an experience you will never forget!
The Next POZ Life Seminar will be held Saturday and Sunday,
August 27th and 28th, 2005 in the West Hollywood area.
To Register, call Sunnie Rose 888-208-8081 or log onto for our online registration form.
POZ Life Weekend Seminar
A Free Weekend Seminar For People Affected by HIV or AIDS, and Their
Loved Ones
The keys to living with HIV/AIDS are education and emotional support,
which are the focal points of The Life Group’s Weekend Seminar. A
seminar that brings together Doctors, Alternative Care Providers,
Benefits Counselors, Nutritionists, Mental Health Experts and Caring
Volunteers who help you learn how to cope with this disease.
Key Note Speakers
Dr. Eric Daar, MD
Dr. Jeff St. John, PhD.
Nurse Lynne Romanowski, RN,BA
Jim Flood, MA,RNP
Bradley Land, HIV+ 5th Dist. Commissioner
Simeon Den, Yoga QI Master
POZ Life is an experience you will never forget!
The Next POZ Life Seminar will be held Saturday and Sunday,
August 27th and 28th, 2005 in the West Hollywood area.
To Register, call Sunnie Rose 888-208-8081 or log onto for our online registration form.