View Full Version : Females only Group - Bisexual, Lesbian, Etc..

11-19-2006, 10:13 PM
Heya. I just joined! Hope I'm posting this in the correct location.

I run a group just for the girls.. we aren't big into posting porn but we don't post cookie recipies either.. lol.. We basically talk about whatever is going on in our lives.. about our boyfriends or girlfriends.. our children or pets, whatever.. and don't have to worry about guys bothering us & harassing us for nude photos.. which we have been known to share when the moment is right!

To be a member you must be a FEMALE & your yahoo profile must state this. You must have your age, you need to be 18+ this is not an advertising group & we don't tolerate hate or spam. We are friendly & open minded.. we give advice & seek it out.. the girls who are there have mostly been there since the group started.. more than 5 years ago.. we don't intend on going anywhere.. please join.. or if you know a girl who would be interested, they can join also.. you do NOT have to be lesbain or bisexual to join - but you need to be tolerant of those who are.. The link is below.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sffjustforus (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sffjustforus)