View Full Version : Picca's GLBT Website Awards

06-02-2004, 11:56 AM
The Contest
Picca's is hosting a "Website Contest" between GLBT sites. The contest will be established in four different categories as, the "BEST WEBSITE", "BEST DESIGN", "BEST CONTENT" and "BEST INTERACTION".

Certainly there will some measures of value like; design, content, structure and navigation, functionality and interaction. These criteria will determine the 5 nominees in each category and the Piccas.Net visitors will choose the best websites by voting them.

You may either join the contest with your own GLBT website or you may suggest one (even if you dont own it). The deadline for subscription is 31st of August, 2004. As of this date, until 30th of November, 2004 is time for visitors to vote for the websites. However the results will not be visible during this period.

The winners will be announced in December, 2004. The site owners will be sent a logo that they can embed into their sites.

Details @ http://www.piccas.net/pgwa.shtml
Subscription form @ http://www.piccas.net/pgwa_subs.shtml