View Full Version : New Layout, New Directory, Easier Navigation

12-23-2004, 06:16 PM
First we would like to apologize for the delay in responding to inquiries about the directory not working for the last 3 days. We were in the process of converting the entire site over to a more stable software with easier navigation. We hope that you enjoy the new scripts and please feel free to contact us with any problems or errors that you may run across.

Many thanks to all of our great members for making suggestions and critiques about the design, layout, and content of the new website.

We have added a few new features that allow members to view location, age, and more when viewing the Members List, so that you can find people that are compatable to your likings and location.
The new design, layout, and navigation should make your time spent at the GayGroups.info website more enjoyable and easier to find what you are looking for. If you have not done so, please give us some suggestions by replying to this email. or visiting


We are proud to announce that GayGroups.info recieves over 6 million visits per month, with over 40,000 members. If your group is not listed with us, please feel free to list it now, there is no better way to grow your group.


Please remember to link back to GayGroups from your homepage. Reciprocal links keep the traffic flowing throughout the Gay Groups Community.
